Coming HomeI walked into the bar, there were three people standing at the counter and a barman.Apr 22, 2022Apr 22, 2022
Talking To Versus Talking With: a Guide to Improving Your InteractionsA guide to improving your interactionsJan 24, 20211Jan 24, 20211
5 Stages to Create Interesting and Relevant LearningHow often have you sat in training thinking this is not worth my time? Here is a way to ensure your training is and stays relevant to the…Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
How Can Lean Help With Brexit Bureaucracy?Brexit is sure to bring about huge bureaucracy challenges, the speed of business can’t wait so how can Lean thinking help?Jan 3, 2021Jan 3, 2021
The Last Bayonet ChargeThe sun is blazing, but we are in the shade of the wall behind us, a wall of sandstone worn smooth by millennia of sandstorms.Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020
Published inAbout Me StoriesAbout Me — Darren ClydeSo far my life can be split into three acts. Childhood, the RAF Years and the Lean YearsDec 16, 20203Dec 16, 20203
10 Top Tips for Mapping a ProcessFacilitating a process mapping session can take you down rabbit holes, sap time, be frustrating and quite boring, the following 10 top…Dec 12, 20201Dec 12, 20201
Turnaround Efficently: Some tips for shutdown seasonWith the covid-19 restrictions many companies have been reducing their maintenance staff to skeleton and the maintenance activities to…Dec 3, 2020Dec 3, 2020
Difficulty is not the initiator of Continuous Improvement change: it is a test that it is already…From the day I started working as a Continuous Improvement practitioner I became indoctrinated.Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Introduction to Soft Systems Methodology: A Holistic CI ApproachContinuous Improvement isn’t just Lean, Agile and Six-Sigma. There are other disciplines that fit under the CI “brolly” for instance…Nov 6, 20201Nov 6, 20201
Stimulating Smart People to LearnOften, we blame others for lack of change, but where does the blame really lie?Oct 13, 2020Oct 13, 2020
Eliminating a $10m Risk Using Looking at The Whole SystemSometimes we need to challenge the paradigm to get to the solution.Oct 7, 2020Oct 7, 2020
Senior Leaders need to use their problem-solving process!“I am a senior Leader, why do I need to know about structured problem solving, the managers below me do that stuff.”Aug 14, 2020Aug 14, 2020
Are your customers’ view of your services aligned with your own?Business leaders are told about the Kano model as a theory about quality and marketing, how useful is it? Let’s see if we can apply it as…Jul 31, 2020Jul 31, 2020
Communicating change: How to structure your change messageYou’ve done all the planning, generated your vision and high-level strategy so let’s communicate, communicate, communicate.Jul 26, 2020Jul 26, 2020
Kicking Off Your Pivot DeploymentSo your company has downsized to survive the changed economy, but to grow into a thriving business it needs to pivot, you know the general…Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
Opening-Up Information to Accelerate Team Productivity“The names have been changed to protect the innocent” Jack Webb 1949Jul 8, 20201Jul 8, 20201
After The Job Cuts: Reducing Effort With MappingSo, lock-down has struck and, you’ve had to lay-off a lot of your people. While the finance people are happier because the company is not…Jun 30, 20202Jun 30, 20202